Newton’s Law of Viscosity: Definition, Formula, and Real-World Applications

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Newton’s Law of Viscosity is one of the fundamental principles governing fluid dynamics, playing a crucial role in both industrial applications and scientific research. It provides a clear understanding of how fluids resist motion when subjected to shear stress. This principle is essential in fields like engineering, physics, and even biology, where fluid behaviour directly impacts system design and efficiency.

What is Newton’s Law of Viscosity?

Newton’s Law of Viscosity states that the shear stress between adjacent fluid layers is directly proportional to the rate of change of velocity (shear rate) between the layers. This relationship can be described mathematically as:

τ=μdudy\tau = \mu \frac{du}{dy}τ=μdydu​


  1. τ\tauτ = Shear stress (force per unit area)
  2. μ\muμ = Dynamic viscosity (a constant specific to the fluid)
  3. dudy\frac{du}{dy}dydu​ = Velocity gradient or shear rate (change in velocity over distance)

This equation shows that the greater the velocity difference between fluid layers, the more shear stress is required to maintain flow. In simple terms, the thicker or more viscous a fluid is, the more resistance it offers to motion.

Dynamic Viscosity: The Key Factor

Dynamic viscosity, denoted by μ\muμ, measures a fluid’s internal resistance to flow. It’s an inherent property of fluids that directly influences how they behave under applied force. A higher dynamic viscosity means more resistance to motion, as seen in thicker fluids like honey or syrup. In contrast, low-viscosity fluids, such as water or air, flow more easily.

The Formula for Newton’s Law of Viscosity

Newton’s Law of Viscosity is defined by the equation:

τ=μ×dudy\tau = \mu \times \frac{du}{dy}τ=μ×dydu​

This equation represents the linear relationship between shear stress (τ\tauτ) and shear rate (dudy\frac{du}{dy}dydu​) in Newtonian fluids, where the dynamic viscosity (μ\muμ) remains constant regardless of the applied shear force.

Shear Stress and Shear Rate

Shear stress (τ\tauτ) refers to the force per unit area required to move one layer of fluid relative to another. In contrast, the shear rate (dudy\frac{du}{dy}dydu​) quantifies how quickly the velocity of the fluid changes between adjacent layers.

For example, in a pipe, fluid close to the walls moves slower than the fluid in the centre, creating a velocity gradient. This difference in velocity requires shear stress to maintain the movement, and Newton’s Law of Viscosity helps determine how much stress is needed based on the fluid’s viscosity.

Real-World Applications of Newton’s Law of Viscosity

1. Industrial Lubrication

One of the most significant applications of Newton’s Law of Viscosity is in industrial lubrication. Machines often have moving parts that rub against each other, creating friction. Engineers use lubricants, such as oils or greases, to reduce friction between these moving parts.

The efficiency of a lubricant depends on its viscosity. Thicker lubricants, with higher viscosity, are used for heavy machinery, while lighter, low-viscosity lubricants are used in smaller devices. Understanding how different lubricants behave under shear stress allows engineers to select the appropriate lubricant, minimizing wear and tear on the equipment.

2. Blood Flow in the Human Body

In biomedical applications, Newton’s Law of Viscosity helps researchers understand how blood flows through veins and arteries. Blood is a non-Newtonian fluid, but in certain situations, especially in larger blood vessels, it can be approximated as Newtonian.

Doctors and scientists apply the principles of viscosity to analyze blood flow rates, which can be critical in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases. A higher viscosity in blood flow can indicate potential health issues such as increased risk of clotting, which makes understanding fluid dynamics in medical science essential.

3. Pipeline Design and Fluid Transportation

Newton’s Law of Viscosity is also fundamental in the design of pipelines for transporting fluids such as oil, gas, and water. Engineers must account for the viscosity of the fluid when designing the pipes and pumps that will move it.

For instance, crude oil has a relatively high viscosity compared to natural gas, meaning it requires more energy to pump through pipelines. By applying Newton’s Law of Viscosity, engineers can predict how much pressure and energy are needed to transport the fluid efficiently, reducing operational costs and energy consumption.

4. Inkjet Printing Technology

In the printing industry, especially in inkjet printers, Newton’s Law of Viscosity is essential to control the behaviour of ink droplets. The viscosity of the ink determines how quickly it can be ejected from the nozzle and how well it spreads across the paper.

High-viscosity inks tend to create thicker, more pronounced lines, while low-viscosity inks create finer, more delicate prints. By carefully selecting ink formulations based on viscosity, manufacturers ensure precise control over print quality.

5. Cooking and Food Production

Viscosity plays a significant role in the food industry, particularly in the production and cooking of sauces, creams, and other liquid-based foods. The consistency of sauces, for instance, is directly related to their viscosity.

Chefs and food scientists apply the principles of Newton’s Law of Viscosity to manipulate food textures, ensuring that sauces are thickened or thinned to the desired consistency. Whether creating a smooth soup or a rich gravy, understanding viscosity helps in achieving the perfect dish.

Newtonian vs. Non-Newtonian Fluids

While Newton’s Law of Viscosity applies to Newtonian fluids, not all fluids behave according to this law. Newtonian fluids, like water and air, have a constant viscosity regardless of the applied shear stress. Non-Newtonian fluids, however, exhibit changes in viscosity depending on the shear stress or rate.

Non-Newtonian Fluid Examples

  1. Shear-Thickening Fluids: Fluids like cornstarch and water (oobleck) become more viscous as the shear rate increases. They resist flow more as they are stirred or shaken.
  2. Shear-Thinning Fluids: Fluids like ketchup or paint become less viscous when shear is applied, making them easier to spread or pour when shaken or stirred.

In many industrial applications, differentiating between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids is essential for accurate predictions of fluid behaviour under stress.

Factors Affecting Fluid Viscosity

Several factors influence a fluid’s viscosity, which in turn affects how it responds to shear stress:

1. Temperature

Temperature is one of the most critical factors affecting viscosity. In general, as temperature increases, viscosity decreases. This is because higher temperatures provide fluid molecules with more energy, allowing them to move more freely. For example, honey flows much more easily when heated, as its viscosity decreases.

2. Pressure

Increasing pressure typically increases the viscosity of a fluid, particularly for gases. Under higher pressure, fluid molecules are forced closer together, which increases their resistance to motion. In high-pressure industrial applications, understanding how pressure affects fluid viscosity is vital for system efficiency.

3. Fluid Composition

The composition of a fluid, such as the presence of impurities or additives, can significantly impact its viscosity. For instance, adding thickening agents to a liquid can increase its viscosity, while diluents can decrease it.


Newton’s Law of Viscosity is a cornerstone in understanding fluid mechanics. By defining the relationship between shear stress and velocity gradient, this law helps engineers, scientists, and researchers predict and control how fluids behave in real-world scenarios. From industrial applications like lubrication and pipeline transport to everyday uses in cooking and printing, the insights gained from Newton’s Law of Viscosity are invaluable. Understanding and applying this principle not only ensures efficiency but also unlocks the potential for innovation across various fields.

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