Law of Equipartition: Key Concepts

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The Law of Equipartition is a fundamental principle in classical statistical mechanics that helps explain how energy is distributed among the degrees of freedom of a physical system. This law plays a crucial role in understanding the behaviour of gases, solids, and liquids at the microscopic level. The law itself stems from the kinetic theory of gases and provides valuable insights into how energy is partitioned in thermal systems.

What is the Law of Equipartition?

The Law of Equipartition states that energy is equally distributed among all available degrees of freedom in a system at thermal equilibrium. Each degree of freedom contributes a specific amount of energy to the total internal energy of the system, which is proportional to the temperature of the system. For every degree of freedom, the average energy is:

E=12kBTE = \frac{1}{2}k_B TE=21​kB​T


  • EEE is the energy per degree of freedom,
  • kBk_BkB​ is the Boltzmann constant,
  • TTT is the absolute temperature of the system.

This law is particularly important in systems where classical physics applies, such as gases, and offers predictive power when studying the thermodynamic properties of a system.

Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of freedom refer to the different ways in which a system can store energy. These can include translational, rotational, and vibrational motions. For instance:

  • A monoatomic gas like helium has only translational degrees of freedom (moving along the x, y, and z axes).
  • A diatomic gas like oxygen or nitrogen can also have rotational degrees of freedom and, at higher temperatures, vibrational degrees of freedom.

The number of degrees of freedom directly affects the energy stored in the system and its behaviour when subjected to heat. A gas with more degrees of freedom can store more energy, which influences its temperature and pressure when heat is applied.

Applications of the Law of Equipartition

The Law of Equipartition is used in various branches of physics, particularly in understanding the thermal properties of materials. Below are some specific applications:

  1. Gases and the Ideal Gas Law

In the context of an ideal gas, the Law of Equipartition can be used to derive relationships between temperature, pressure, and internal energy. Since a monoatomic gas has three translational degrees of freedom (x, y, and z directions), each contributing 12kBT\frac{1}{2}k_B T21​kB​T to the energy, the total internal energy of an ideal monoatomic gas is:

U=32nRTU = \frac{3}{2}nRTU=23​nRT


  • It is the internal energy,
  • N is the number of moles,
  • It is the ideal gas constant,
  • TTT is the absolute temperature.

This relation between internal energy and temperature is crucial in understanding how gases behave under various thermodynamic processes, such as isothermal and adiabatic expansions.

  1. Heat Capacity of Solids: The Dulong-Petit Law

The Law of Equipartition also explains the heat capacity of solids, particularly at high temperatures. According to the Dulong-Petit Law, the molar heat capacity of many solid elements is approximately constant at around 3R, where R is the gas constant. This result can be explained by assuming that each atom in a solid lattice has six degrees of freedom (three translational and three vibrational), contributing equally to the heat capacity:

CV≈3RC_V \approx 3RCV​≈3R

However, this approximation breaks down at low temperatures, where quantum effects become significant, and the heat capacity decreases, as described by the Debye model.

  1. Diatomic and Polyatomic Gases

For diatomic gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, the law of equipartition becomes more complex due to additional rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom. At room temperature, diatomic molecules typically have five degrees of freedom:

  • Three translational (movement along x, y, and z axes),
  • Two rotational (rotation around two perpendicular axes).

At higher temperatures, vibrational degrees of freedom may also become active, increasing the gas’s internal energy and heat capacity.

For diatomic gases, the internal energy is given by:

U=52nRTU = \frac{5}{2}nRTU=25​nRT

This results in a higher heat capacity compared to monoatomic gases, as the energy is distributed among more degrees of freedom.

Limitations of the Law of Equipartition

While the Law of Equipartition is quite powerful, it has limitations, particularly when quantum effects dominate. At very low temperatures, the classical assumptions break down, and the quantization of energy levels must be considered.

  1. Quantum Effects

In quantum mechanics, energy levels are discrete rather than continuous. At low temperatures, some degrees of freedom, especially vibrational modes, may not be fully accessible because the energy required to excite these modes is greater than the thermal energy available. As a result, the system cannot equipartition energy equally among all degrees of freedom, leading to deviations from classical predictions.

For instance, in solids, the Debye model predicts that the heat capacity decreases as T3T^3T3 at low temperatures, deviating significantly from the Dulong-Petit Law. Similarly, for diatomic gases, vibrational degrees of freedom becomes significant only at high temperatures, where the thermal energy is sufficient to excite these modes.

  1. High-Energy Regimes

At very high temperatures, relativistic effects may also need to be considered, particularly for particles moving at speeds approaching the speed of light. In such cases, the simple form of the Law of Equipartition no longer holds, and relativistic mechanics must be used to describe the energy distribution.

The Role of the Law of Equipartition in Thermodynamics

The Law of Equipartition is deeply connected to the First Law of Thermodynamics, which relates changes in the internal energy of a system to heat and work. By understanding how energy is partitioned among the different degrees of freedom, physicists and engineers can better predict the response of a system to changes in temperature, pressure, and volume.

Thermodynamic Processes

The Law of Equipartition helps in understanding how energy changes during thermodynamic processes such as:

  • Isothermal processes, where the temperature remains constant and the internal energy of an ideal gas remains unchanged,
  • Adiabatic processes, where no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, and the internal energy changes solely due to work done by or on the system.

Heat Engines and Refrigerators

In the design of heat engines and refrigerators, understanding how energy is distributed within a working substance (such as a gas) is crucial. The efficiency of these devices is determined by how effectively they can convert thermal energy into work, which depends on the internal energy and heat capacity of the working substance—both of which are influenced by the Law of Equipartition.


The Law of Equipartition is a cornerstone of classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, providing essential insights into the distribution of energy in systems at thermal equilibrium. By understanding how energy is partitioned among the degrees of freedom of a system, we can better predict its thermal behaviour, heat capacity, and response to changes in temperature and pressure.

While the law holds well in classical systems, its limitations at low temperatures and in quantum systems highlight the need for a more nuanced understanding of energy distribution when quantum effects become significant. Nonetheless, for many practical applications in physics and engineering, the Law of Equipartition remains an indispensable tool for analyzing and predicting the behaviour of thermodynamic systems.

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