Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum? Explained!

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Angular momentum is one of the most fundamental principles in physics, governing the behaviour of rotating objects in various systems. The law of conservation of angular momentum is pivotal in understanding how objects move in circular or rotational paths and how they maintain their motion. This principle plays a critical role in a wide range of applications, from the movements of celestial bodies to everyday scenarios involving rotating objects.

What is Angular Momentum?

Angular momentum refers to the quantity of rotational motion an object possesses. In simple terms, it describes how much an object is spinning and how difficult it is to stop or change that spin. It depends on three main factors:

  1. The mass of the object
  2. The velocity at which it is moving
  3. The distance from the axis of rotation (also called the radius)

Mathematically, angular momentum (L) is expressed as:

L=I⋅ωL = I \cdot \omegaL=I⋅ω


  1. I am the moment of inertia, which represents how mass is distributed relative to the axis of rotation
  2. ω (omega) is the angular velocity or the rate at which the object rotates around the axis

The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

The law of conservation of angular momentum states that if no external torque (a force that causes rotation) is applied to a system, the total angular momentum of that system remains constant. This means that an object or system in rotation will continue spinning with the same angular momentum unless acted upon by an outside force.

In essence, the total angular momentum before any interaction must equal the total angular momentum after the interaction, provided no external forces intervene.

Mathematical Expression of Conservation of Angular Momentum

In a closed system where external forces are negligible, the law can be written as:

Linitial=LfinalL_{\text{initial}} = L_{\text{final}}Linitial​=Lfinal​


Iinitial⋅ωinitial=Ifinal⋅ωfinalI_{\text{initial}} \cdot \omega_{\text{initial}} = I_{\text{final}} \cdot \omega_{\text{final}}Iinitial​⋅ωinitial​=Ifinal​⋅ωfinal​

This equation reflects the direct relationship between an object’s moment of inertia and angular velocity. If the moment of inertia changes (for example, by moving mass closer to or farther from the axis), the angular velocity must adjust accordingly to conserve angular momentum.

Real-World Examples of Conservation of Angular Momentum

  1. Figure Skating Spins

One of the most iconic examples of the conservation of angular momentum is the spinning figure skater. When a figure skater pulls their arms in close to their body during a spin, their moment of inertia decreases. To conserve angular momentum, their rotational speed (angular velocity) increases, causing them to spin faster. Conversely, when they extend their arms outward, their moment of inertia increases, and they slow down.

This dynamic change can be understood through the equation:

Initial⋅ωinitial=Ifinal⋅ωfinalI_{\text{initial}} \cdot \omega_{\text{initial}} = I_{\text{final}} \cdot \omega_{\text{final}}Iinitial​⋅ωinitial​=Ifinal​⋅ωfinal​

When the skater pulls their arms in, I decrease, so ω must increase to keep the product of I and ω constant.

  1. The Earth’s Rotation and Days

The conservation of angular momentum also explains why Earth’s days are slowly getting longer. Billions of years ago, Earth rotated faster, completing a day in just a few hours. Over time, tidal forces between Earth and the Moon have caused Earth to transfer some of its angular momentum to the Moon, making the Moon drift farther away. As a result, Earth’s rotation has slowed down slightly, lengthening the day by a fraction of a second every century.

In this case, the system of Earth and the Moon is essentially closed, meaning that the total angular momentum of the system is conserved. As Earth’s moment of inertia changes (due to redistribution of mass and external forces like tidal friction), its rotational speed decreases to conserve angular momentum.

  1. Ballet Pirouettes

In a pirouette, a ballet dancer relies heavily on angular momentum. By tucking their limbs in, they reduce their moment of inertia and increase their rotational speed. The smooth acceleration of the spin without external forces changing the motion is a textbook demonstration of angular momentum conservation.

Much like figure skating, when the dancer brings their leg or arms closer to the centre of rotation, they spin faster. The reverse happens when they extend their arms, causing the rotation to slow down.

  1. Astronauts in Space

When astronauts perform flips in space, they experience firsthand the conservation of angular momentum. With no external forces like air resistance, their bodies’ angular momentum remains conserved. This allows astronauts to change their orientation by moving their arms or legs in specific directions. While the individual parts of their body might rotate at different speeds, the total angular momentum remains unchanged.

  1. Fidget Spinners

A fidget spinner is a more everyday example of the conservation of angular momentum. Once the spinner is set into motion, it continues to spin due to its angular momentum. As long as no significant external torque (like friction or air resistance) is applied, it will keep spinning at a constant rate.

The spinner’s moment of inertia, which depends on the mass distribution and how the arms are positioned, combined with its angular velocity, keeps the toy rotating smoothly.

  1. Planetary Orbits

The orbits of planets around the Sun are governed by the conservation of angular momentum. As planets move in elliptical orbits, their speed changes. A planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away. This variation is due to the changing moment of inertia in its orbit. Since no significant external forces are acting on the planets, the conservation of angular momentum ensures that the planets maintain a stable, predictable orbit.

  1. Rotating Chairs and Office Chairs

Have you ever spun in a rotating chair? When you pull your arms and legs close to your body, you spin faster. When you extend them, you slow down. This is another simple yet effective demonstration of angular momentum in action. The rotational speed adjusts automatically based on how you distribute your mass relative to the axis of rotation.

Why the Conservation of Angular Momentum is Important

The law of conservation of angular momentum is essential for understanding the physics of rotating systems. It applies to a wide range of scenarios in both large-scale (celestial bodies) and small-scale (spinning objects) systems. This principle allows scientists to predict behaviours and calculate outcomes in complex situations involving rotation, such as in engineering, robotics, and astrophysics.

Practical Applications

The principle of angular momentum conservation is applied in numerous practical technologies:

  1. Gyroscopes in spacecraft and aeroplanes rely on the stability provided by angular momentum to maintain orientation.
  2. Torque converters in automobiles use angular momentum principles to efficiently transfer rotational power from the engine to the transmission.
  3. Wind turbines utilize the conservation of angular momentum to convert wind energy into mechanical energy for electricity generation.


The law of conservation of angular momentum is a foundational principle in physics, demonstrating how objects maintain their rotational motion in the absence of external forces. Whether it’s a figure skater twirling on ice, the Earth rotating around its axis, or planets orbiting the Sun, this law governs the stability and behaviour of rotating systems. From daily life to vast cosmic scales, angular momentum conservation is key to understanding the rotational dynamics that shape our universe

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