Henry’s Law for Class 12: Definition, Formula & Applications

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Henry’s Law is a fundamental concept in chemistry, especially for students preparing for Class 12 exams. It explains the relationship between the solubility of gases in liquids and the pressure of the gas above the liquid. This principle is crucial in understanding a wide array of scientific phenomena and industrial processes. In this article, we will explore the definition, formula, and applications of Henry’s Law, providing a detailed explanation that can help students excel in their studies.

What is Henry’s Law?

Henry’s Law states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in contact with the liquid. The law can be summarized in the following manner:

At constant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the liquid.

This law helps explain why, for example, carbonated beverages stay fizzy when sealed under pressure and lose their carbonation when opened.

Mathematical Expression of Henry’s Law

The formula for Henry’s Law is expressed as:

C=kH⋅PC = k_H \cdot PC=kH​⋅P


  • C is the concentration of the gas in the liquid (solubility),
  • k_H is the Henry’s Law constant, which is unique for each gas-liquid combination,
  • P is the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid.

This equation shows that as the pressure of the gas increases, the solubility of the gas in the liquid increases provided that the temperature remains constant.

Henry’s Law Constant

The Henry’s Law constant (k_H) depends on both the nature of the gas and the solvent, as well as the temperature. The units of k_H vary depending on how the solubility of the gas is expressed, but it generally reflects the relationship between pressure and concentration. Higher values of k_H indicate that the gas is less soluble at a given pressure, while lower values mean that the gas dissolves more readily.

Factors Affecting Henry’s Law

While Henry’s Law provides a straightforward relationship, several factors can affect how gases dissolve in liquids:

  • Temperature: As temperature increases, the solubility of gases decreases. This inverse relationship is important in real-world applications, like the warming of oceans and its effect on marine life.
  • Nature of Gas: Different gases have different solubilities. For instance, carbon dioxide is more soluble in water than oxygen.
  • Nature of the Solvent: Solvents also influence gas solubility. Polar solvents like water are better at dissolving polar gases, while non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar gases more efficiently.

Applications of Henry’s Law

Henry’s Law is not just an abstract principle; it has numerous applications in science, industry, and daily life. Here are some key examples:

  1. Scuba Diving and Decompression Sickness

One of the most well-known applications of Henry’s Law is in scuba diving. Divers breathe compressed air, which contains nitrogen. As the diver descends deeper into the water, the pressure increases, leading to more nitrogen dissolving in the diver’s blood. If the diver ascends too quickly, the pressure decreases rapidly, and nitrogen can form bubbles in the blood. This is known as decompression sickness or “the bends.”

  1. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated drinks are another everyday example of Henry’s Law in action. Soft drinks, soda, and sparkling water are bottled under high pressure, which forces carbon dioxide to dissolve in the liquid. When the bottle is opened, the pressure is released, and the gas escapes, creating bubbles. This is why a cold soda holds its fizz better, as lower temperatures increase gas solubility.

  1. Respiration in Humans

Henry’s Law plays a crucial role in human respiration. Oxygen dissolves in the blood through the alveoli in the lungs, where it diffuses from a high-pressure environment in the lungs into the lower-pressure environment of the bloodstream. The efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs is governed by the principles of Henry’s Law, allowing oxygen to dissolve into the blood and carbon dioxide to be expelled.

  1. Industrial Gas Purification

In the chemical industry, Henry’s Law is often applied in gas purification processes. For example, gases like ammonia are purified using absorption towers, where they dissolve into solvents at high pressures. This application is crucial in industries dealing with large-scale gas production and purification, such as in the production of ammonia for fertilizers.

  1. Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

Henry’s Law is also relevant in the discussion of climate change. The oceans act as a carbon sink, absorbing significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, as global temperatures rise, the solubility of CO₂ in water decreases. This leads to less CO₂ being absorbed by the oceans, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and contributing to ocean acidification, which negatively impacts marine life.

Limitations of Henry’s Law

While Henry’s Law is a useful principle, it has certain limitations. It applies only under specific conditions:

  • Low Gas Concentrations: Henry’s Law is most accurate when dealing with gases at low concentrations. At higher concentrations, other factors like chemical reactions or gas saturation can affect solubility.
  • Non-ideal Conditions: Henry’s Law assumes ideal conditions where gases behave ideally. In reality, gases do not always behave ideally, especially at high pressures or with gases that react chemically with the solvent.
  • Temperature Variations: As mentioned earlier, temperature has a significant effect on gas solubility. At higher temperatures, the solubility decreases, which means Henry’s Law needs adjustments in real-world applications involving fluctuating temperatures.

Henry’s Law and Real-Life Examples

Solubility of Oxygen in Water

A classic example involves the solubility of oxygen in water. Fish and other aquatic organisms rely on dissolved oxygen to survive. As the temperature of water increases, the solubility of oxygen decreases, which can lead to hypoxic conditions in aquatic environments, especially in warm, stagnant waters. This is a direct application of Henry’s Law, and it demonstrates the delicate balance required to maintain healthy ecosystems.

Soft Drink Fizzing: Temperature Impact

Another practical illustration of Henry’s Law is how different temperatures affect the fizziness of soft drinks. When you open a chilled soda bottle, it tends to retain more fizz compared to a warm bottle. This is because lower temperatures result in higher solubility of carbon dioxide gas in the liquid, making the drink fizzier and refreshing.


Henry’s Law provides essential insight into the behaviour of gases in liquids, offering a reliable relationship between pressure and solubility. From scuba diving to carbonated drinks, and even global climate dynamics, this principle has wide-ranging applications in both scientific and everyday contexts. Understanding Henry’s Law is crucial for Class 12 students, as it forms a foundation for more complex topics in chemistry and physics. Its relevance extends beyond the classroom, making it a vital concept for anyone interested in science, industry, or environmental studies.

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