Henry’s Law in Class 12 Chemistry: Detailed Explanation

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Henry’s Law is a fundamental concept in Class 12 Chemistry, providing a crucial understanding of gas solubility in liquids. This law is widely applied in various fields, including chemistry, environmental science, and industry. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the principles behind Henry’s Law, its mathematical expressions, factors affecting it, and real-world applications. Let’s dive into the detailed explanation and discover how Henry’s Law shapes various scientific and industrial processes.

What is Henry’s Law?

Henry’s Law states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the liquid, provided the temperature remains constant. This law plays a critical role in understanding how gases behave when they come in contact with liquids, especially in equilibrium states.

Mathematical Expression of Henry’s Law

The most common way to express Henry’s Law is:

C=kH⋅PC = k_H \cdot PC=kH​⋅P


  • C = Concentration of the gas in the liquid.
  • k_H = Henry’s Law constant.
  • P = Partial pressure of the gas.

The constant kHk_HkH​ (Henry’s Law constant) is unique for every gas-liquid combination and is influenced by the temperature of the system.

Implications of the Equation

This simple yet profound equation helps explain several gas-liquid interactions. For instance, if the partial pressure PPP increases, the concentration CCC of the gas in the liquid increases proportionally, assuming constant temperature. This understanding is vital in areas such as environmental pollution control, carbonated beverages, and even human respiration.

Factors Affecting Henry’s Law

Several factors influence the behaviour of gas solubility under Henry’s Law. Understanding these factors is key to applying the law correctly in both theoretical and practical contexts.

  1. Temperature

Temperature plays a crucial role in determining gas solubility. As the temperature increases, the solubility of gases in liquids decreases. This happens because higher temperatures give gas molecules more kinetic energy, making it easier for them to escape from the liquid phase into the gas phase. This is why warm soda goes flat faster than cold soda—carbon dioxide escapes more readily at higher temperatures.

  1. Nature of the Gas and Liquid

Different gases have different solubility levels in various liquids. For example, carbon dioxide is much more soluble in water than oxygen. This difference is largely due to the molecular interactions between the gas and the liquid. Polar liquids like water tend to dissolve gases with polar characteristics more readily. Nonpolar gases, on the other hand, are better dissolved in nonpolar solvents.

  1. Pressure

According to Henry’s Law, increasing the pressure of a gas over a liquid increases its solubility. This relationship is the foundation for many applications, such as the pressurization of carbonated beverages or gas extraction techniques in industries. At higher pressures, gas molecules are forced into the liquid, increasing their concentration.

Applications of Henry’s Law

The utility of Henry’s Law extends far beyond theoretical discussions in textbooks. Its real-world applications span several industries and scientific fields, from environmental monitoring to industrial manufacturing processes. Below are some of the significant applications of Henry’s Law:

  1. Carbonated Beverages

One of the most popular applications of Henry’s Law is in the beverage industry. Soft drinks, sparkling water, and beer are carbonated by dissolving carbon dioxide (CO₂) under high pressure. When the bottle is sealed, the gas remains dissolved in the liquid. However, upon opening, the pressure above the liquid drops, causing the gas to escape, which forms the bubbles.

  1. Scuba Diving and Decompression Sickness

Scuba divers are keenly aware of the implications of Henry’s Law. When divers descend underwater, the increased pressure causes more nitrogen to dissolve in their bloodstream. Upon ascending, the pressure decreases, and nitrogen gas comes out of the solution. If divers ascend too quickly, nitrogen can form bubbles in their bloodstream, leading to a dangerous condition called decompression sickness, or “the bends.”

  1. Respiratory Physiology

Henry’s Law also explains how gases dissolve in blood and tissues, playing a pivotal role in respiratory physiology. Oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream from the lungs under the influence of partial pressure gradients. Carbon dioxide is expelled in the reverse process. Variations in pressure, such as those experienced at high altitudes, can affect gas exchange efficiency, leading to altitude sickness or other health issues.

  1. Environmental Pollution

Henry’s Law is used to model the behaviour of pollutants in bodies of water. For example, the solubility of gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide in water leads to the formation of weak acids, contributing to environmental problems like acid rain. Additionally, this law helps predict the behaviour of greenhouse gases in oceans and their impact on climate change.

  1. Industrial Gas Processing

In industries that involve gas processing, such as oil refineries, Henry’s Law is used to extract gases from liquids. Natural gas, for instance, can be dissolved in oil during extraction. By applying pressure changes, gases are separated from the liquids for further processing.

Limitations of Henry’s Law

While Henry’s Law offers an accurate prediction of gas solubility in many cases, it does have its limitations. These limitations are important for chemists and engineers to consider when applying the law in complex systems.

  1. Non-Ideal Solutions

Henry’s Law applies best to ideal gases and ideal solutions. In non-ideal systems, interactions between gas and liquid molecules can cause deviations from the law. For instance, gases that react chemically with the solvent, such as ammonia in water, will not follow Henry’s Law because the gas molecules are not merely dissolving—they are reacting.

  1. High Pressure and Temperature Conditions

At very high pressures or temperatures, gases deviate from ideal behaviour. In such cases, more sophisticated models, like the Van der Waals equation, must be used to accurately describe gas solubility.

  1. Gases with Strong Molecular Interactions

Gases that engage in strong molecular interactions with the solvent often deviate from Henry’s Law. For example, gases like hydrogen chloride (HCl), which ionizes in water, behave in ways that cannot be predicted by the simple proportional relationship described by Henry’s Law.


Henry’s Law is a cornerstone of chemistry that provides essential insights into the behaviour of gases in liquids. Its principles are fundamental to both theoretical studies and practical applications, ranging from carbonated drinks to industrial gas separation and environmental science. By understanding the relationship between gas pressure and solubility, we can better grasp how gases interact with liquids under various conditions.

From the soda you drink to the air you breathe underwater, Henry’s Law impacts everyday life in more ways than one might imagine. Despite its limitations in non-ideal scenarios, the law remains a powerful tool for chemists, engineers, and environmentalists alike. Mastering this concept is not just important for acing Class 12 Chemistry exams, but it also opens doors to understanding key processes that govern both natural and industrial systems.

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